Welcome to the web page for the Venturer Section of the 13th Wexford! This section is only in its early days so as events and stuff occurr, we'll paste them up here for you all to see!
Are you still wondering just what Venturers are?
If you're aged between 16 an 18 and you think "Life is a bit too quiet for me at the moment!" or "I want to do something mad, exhilerating, something that not every one would do (especially in their right mind!), something so different and out there that I'll have the time of my life!", then the Venturers are for you.
The Venturers are rough 'n' ready outdoor guys and galls who just can't resist a challange, no matter how mad or dangerous it sounds! If it's treking through the mountains for days or spending a week travelling 100km in Europe on a tenner, they're in their element.
These guys are the experts in applied scouting and survival. They don't just train in all this stuff, they use it on a regular basis!